Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Views from the BDO: Circus tent?

I've been a bit neglectful of this blog, because another online communication tool has been sucking all my spare time into its very special black hole: The Facebook Vortex.

My Facebook status to accompany this photo would be: "Carole finds it difficult to concentrate on work when a small circus tent has been erected on the front lawn."

We have an annual fundraiser yard sale here at our home. Proceeds benefit our local Habitat for Humanity chapter and a small scholarship fund for an award given at our local high school in memory of a friend of mine who passed away in 2004. We get donations from members of Habitat, friends, and family and we usually do quite well for both organizations.

It's Wednesday and the sale is scheduled for Friday and Saturday. With the tent up, the doorbell has already rung twice this morning and it's only 9.30. How will I ever get any work done today?