Sunday, November 18, 2007

No, not dead.

Just adjusting to a new professional lifestyle. Work had been a little thin for a little longer than I was happy about in early October, so I raised the “Carole is for hire” flag. Ended up with a PT gig that was suppose to go FT in January, but has suddenly become FT, like, now-ish.

The most relevant news for this blog is, of course, that I will still be working out of the BDO. Viva les fenĂȘtres ouvertes!!! (don't ask me to actually say that... just bable fish-ed it)


Anonymous said...

Whew...good to hear you will continue working out of the BDO. I was starting to wonder how Will was gonna get rid of all those extra pellets? Oh,...and I am glad you are not dead too. Though I see you as quite cat like - so maybe you just ended one of your 9?

Tom said...

Somewhat unrelated, but... Happy Thanksgiving! Also, are we still on for The Golden Compass? Have you finished the book yet?