Friday, May 23, 2008

It’s nice to be thanked.

It really does make a difference. I don’t EXPECT to be thanked when someone is paying me to do a job. Nothing really says “thank you” like cold, hard cash, but I’ve got to say it really puts me in an agreeable frame of mind when an email opens up with a line like, “Thanks so much for your dedication on this one.”

So note to clients: I can be bought with words; I am susceptible to manipulation. The line above was followed by about three or four paragraphs worth of edits/direction/correction. But I took it all in with a chipper smile, because the conversation opened with a nod to the effort I was putting forth (at 3.30 on the Friday before a holiday weekend). I guess this circles back to the whole “hostess sets the tone of the party” concept. Only in this case, I was a guest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carole, Thanks so much for your dedication to this blog. I enjoy the fact that I feel as if we are in touch, even if it is only me reading your thoughts and observations.
