Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Hostess Sets the Tone of the Party

This is my new life philosophy.

I’ve tested it in several theoretical (and a few real) scenarios and it always applies.

If, in every situation, I just imagine myself as the hostess trying to set a friendly, happy, comfortable tone for my guests, every thing in life gets better/easier. Seriously. Try it.

At the grocery store. Walking down the street. At the gas station. Chatting with the postman. In traffic. Folding laundry. Drudgery becomes festive; the mundane becomes colorful. It's sort of amazing.

I think I've stumbled onto something really powerful. Think it demands a trendy self-help book. Could I work this up into several thousand words? I bet I could. I bet you all could help.

Oh. And P.S: Way to go Hillary.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I think there is something to that, and believe it or not, I am trying to adopt a similar attitude. Like last night when I stopped by a local bakery for some bread for dinner. They were supposed to be open for another 45 minutes, but were definitely in shut down mode - cleaning and cashing out the registers. I was in a good mode - really just excited about the yummy bread in my future - and within a few minutes I had both clerks laughing and more than happy to put in a cash drawer and take my $2.75. I left happier than I went in!