Tuesday, February 19, 2008

More About Jane Eyre

This is just one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s really got everything – mystery, intrigue, romance, rich people sitting around playing cards and strolling around large rooms simply to pass the time. And I just love, love, love this character. She’s fierce! (In all the good ways.)

As I referenced in a earlier post, it started out grim for poor Jane. She was able to get away from the meanie Aunt though, but things at the private school to which she was sent weren’t much better at first. But then it all improved, and she ended up finding a friend (who died of course, but it was nice for a while), and then she became a teacher at the school. But restless spirit that she is, she had to get out and see a bit more of the world, so she found herself a position as a governess at Thornfield Manor. Things there have been VERY interesting (including some mysterious entity living on the third floor that wails, growls, scratches, and stomps).

Last night the meanie Aunt died, but on her deathbed she revealed to Jane that she had withheld a letter from one of Jane’s relatives who wanted to claim her as his own!! Simply out of spite, the meanie withheld this note!! What a meanie. (This concept perplexes me – a mean aunt? Inconceivable.)

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