Sunday, February 17, 2008

Carole Runs on Dunkin

Will and I took my truck out for a spin today and he remarked about the litter pile that had accumulated on the passenger side. Dunkin bags, napkins, sandwich wrappers, and cups lie scattered on the floor. (Now that I’m back in the commute grind, Dunkin is a guilty pleasure I afford myself. I find it eases the pain of going to GCH).

He mused that the image would make a great commercial for the brand; just a peek inside the car door and a pan around the interior and then a shot of me walking (quickly) away with my trusty Dunkin in hand and the tag line, “Carole Runs on Dunkin.” It’s actually sort of brilliant – they’ve established the whole notion of “America Runs on Dunkin.” A logical extension of the campaign would be more specific. The individuals could be fictional, or they could be real. Customers could be asked to send in their stories. I promise I’m a less expensive spokeswoman than Rachel Ray.

And for those of you wondering – things have gotten better for poor Jane Eyre (yes I am STILL working my way through it… I read only a few pages before passing out each night), although I fear a turn for the worse is in the near future. And our Aeroponic tomatoes have buds!!! More on both these topics later. Must get back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for tomato buds in February!