Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Once upon a time, there was a little girl whose daddy wisely told her, “find something you love and figure out how to make a living doing it.” Thanks to her mommy, the girl was a lover of language and so she decided on a career playing with words and ideas.

After many years working at corporations (often inside stuffy buildings with windows that never opened), she went out on her own into the lovely world of freelance writing. This was a very happy time indeed. The girl worked only with people she liked, on projects she found interesting, and - perhaps most important - from an office right inside her home with plenty of windows that open.

Then one day an interesting thing happened and she decided to join a nice little company. She could still work mostly from her home and mostly on projects she found interesting. But she was no longer working for herself. And if felt good and odd at the same time.

It’s January 1 and I’m officially no longer my own boss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Expected some Bowie reference due to the title...cute little story though, you should be a writer...you have talent :-)