Friday, January 4, 2008

Our Winter Garden

Got SOOO many good Christmas gifts this year. Life is Good jammies from my niece; an insanely cozy new robe from Will; cheese from Wisconsin. Overall, an embarrassment of riches.

But my sister, the wanna-be-scientist and best-teacher-ever-because-everything-genuinely-excites-her, got Will and I an aeroponic garden. And in 4 short days, we have tomato sprouts. Look how cute they are:

This is the brand of our garden: AeroGarden.


Jenn said...

OK - that's really really cool!!! Are you only growing tomatoes? Or are the other pods different plants? Fascinated with how it works... Even more curious to know how the 'maters will taste!!

Anonymous said...

Is life really all about the Tomato? :-)


Tom said...

That is pretty cool.