Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie

I am a self-confessed nostalgia glutton. It is my only vice/addiction outside excessive coffee consumption. At times I have been known to indulge in near toxic doses of nostalgia. I stare at photo albums, read old letters or journal entries and work myself into a frenzy of emotion, longing for a person or time that is no more.

When I walk the halls or stroll the campus of a school I attended, and things aren’t where I left them, I feel robbed of my memories. I currently live very near where I grew up and as streets are rerouted, buildings torn down and new ones built I have the same reaction.

Yet when I reconnect with old friends I actually despise reminiscing and try to keep the conversation focused on the here and now - who we are today. If all we have to talk about is the past, then we’ve grown into pretty boring adults, haven’t we?

I’m probably thinking about all this for two reasons:

1) In addition to my duties as chief wordsmith and idea hatcher here at UtterClarity, I am also currently a member of the planning committee for my 20th HS reunion (this is SOO out of character it’s not funny ... it would be difficult to find someone who hated high school more than I did).

2) A friend recently posted a blog entry titled, “You Haven't Changed A Bit.”

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