Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lost my head there for a minute

I had a brush with traditional employment this week. Interesting choice of phrase – it’s typically “a brush with greatness.” Perhaps a more appropriate phrase might be “dodged a traditional gig this week,” as in, “dodged a bullet.”

After reading a job description forwarded from a friend, I started imagining a utopian world in which the work was rewarding, the people were all brilliant, creative and reasonable, and the compensation was just. I was nearly giddy with excitement and anticipation. And then the HR screener called.

To find out the truth about the work and the people, I’d actually need to experience the job for a while (and thus sacrifice all my fabulous freelance clients). But compensation always comes up early in these conversations. Luckily, it was just low enough to shake me out of my delirious stupor.

Down with buildings that have windows that don’t open! Long live the BDO!

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