Monday, June 25, 2007

Back in business (heavy sigh)

Well. Here I am again. Working.

Today a client asked me how my trip was and I shared with her these two vignettes that illustrate the quality of my recent vacation.

Quality Vacation Vignette #1
One day, I went into a Yellowstone post office to drop off some postcards and get postage for one of those cute puzzle postcards that require extra (unspecified) postage. A sign on the door read, "Closed for lunch: 12.30 - 1.30)." I consulted my watch, then the clock on the wall. It was 2.30. Where were these postal slackers? I peeked through the mail slots, looked around, blinked a few times, read the sign again, looked at my watch and the clock again, shrugged my shoulders and walked out.

Will was waiting in the car with an inquisitive expression. I explained about the sign and my confusion. And then suddenly, Will's expression changed as it dawned on him and he said, "Carole! It's SUNDAY!"

Quality Vacation Vignette #2
At one point, towards the end of the trip (after the post office incident, but before we were actually heading home), we were stopped at a gas station when I noticed a young woman at a nearby pump get out of her car and begin washing her windshield. She was very careful not to brush up against the car and dirty her pretty work clothes. "WORK CLOTHES! Oh crap. That's right. I forgot people work for a living. I work for a living." I sank more deeply into that seat than I had in 3,000+ miles. Ugh.

Lost track of the days and forgot people actually did anything other than tour around National Parks, camp, picnic, hike, and generally enjoy the world. Yes, it was a very good vacation.

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