Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Overheard in the BDO: Grind, crunch, boom!

The town is replacing the sidewalks in front of our house. It sounds like the dinosaurs have returned and are stomping around raising quite a ruckus.

They’ve been working up and down the street for a few weeks and the fact that they just arrived today at our front door could not have worked out better for the BDO since, as of tomorrow, June 7, “our offices” will be closed for a little over two weeks as I go on vacation. If you want to know more about the trip and follow our little journey, I have set up a travel blog, which I hope to keep up-to-date.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Have a great trip! Your itinerary makes me very nostalgic for the journey I took almost 12 years ago...