Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The backs of the leaves are showing

My mom taught me so many things. Most of it was on purpose, but I bet a lot was not even part of her master plan. She has a lot of little sayings that have stuck with me and echo in my mind so often, I think sometimes I don’t even hear them as they pass through.

She always used to say, “If the backs of the leaves are showing, that means it’s going to rain.” I don’t know that we ever discussed it, but I took this as absolute fact and somehow believed it was because the leaves “drank” rain water through their softer, more porous-looking undersides. I think I was well into my twenties before I realized the backs of the leaves show whenever it’s really, really windy, and yes that sometimes precedes a rain fall, but not always.

The backs of the leaves are showing today. And, in fact, we had a sprinkle of rain earlier, and it looks like we might have another. Maybe my childhood suspicions are true: Moms and Dads do know everything.


Jenn said...

Here's a test of your theory: MY Mom said if the cows are laying down, then it's going to rain. Are the local Bessies upright? :-)

Acorn Lane said...

My mom used to say that one too! Sadly, no bessies visible from the BDO. :-(

Tom Carten said...

We lived where they grew sea gulls. When a storm was coming, the gulls were down. Depending on how bad the storm would be, and how close it was, they would not move, even if you threw at stick at them (I tried).

We had a regional airport nearby and our "home" weather report would be, "Seagulls on the runway." They would set down on the numbers, at the end, and if they didn't move when a plane landed, we were in for it.