Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Beginning the world

School started in the boro today. Very exciting business! Outside my window I heard the happy sounds of the elementary students eagerly rushing off to their first days of school. The crossing guard on our corner is just the best. I heard her yell at least two dozen times, "Have a great first day!" And she meant it. You could tell.

(Later in the day, out this same window, I heard the familiar, albeit less pleasant, sounds of the older kids walking home from the high school... angry screaming, expletives, general rudeness. Fascinating creatures those teenagers. Nice to know they evolve. Mostly.)

A few lines from the song "Beginning the World" by the Innocence Mission were going through my head all day. They always do this time of year.

"Aren't you bursting with butterflies
on the fourth of September?
Like you'll have to get on the bus
in your tartan dress, with your lunch box.

Though your body is twenty-nine.
Though your mind is an old thing.
I mean, don't you ever ... sigh,

I am always beginning the world, beginning the world."

Yes, Karen Peris, I do get those butterflies, though my body is well past twenty-nine and my mind is a very old thing. (Sigh.)

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