Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Word rapture

This may be an obvious revelation given my profession, but I love words. Especially really well put-together words. Clustered into perfectly formed thoughts, written down as well-structured sentences. It’s nice when I’m the creator (rare), but even when I am not, it’s a joy to witness the phenomenon.

Today’s word rapture is brought to you by this line: “…a swirling sea of big flakes only just darker than the sky and only just lighter than the ground.” A flawless description of snow falling. It’s in chapter 13 of The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman.

We’re a bit away from that snowy time of year still. I get almost as giddy about snow as I do about tomatoes. Something to look forward to, eh?


Tom said...

That is a great book.

Jenn said...

You are waaaaay futher than I am in the book. We'll have to book club something else.

So you will torture me with your snow posts all winter? Sigh... Remind me again why I live out here and not in NJ???

Anonymous said...

I thought I loved snow because of the possibility of snow days, but as I read that line I realize THAT is what I love about snow days, watching the falling snow. (No that doesn't mean I'll give up the day off part:-)