Thursday, August 30, 2007

I have butter ... and I’m not afraid to use it.

If I ever write a cookbook, that's what I will title it.

I thought of that line as I slapped a tablespoon of the fine, fatty dairy product in a pan last night. Sometimes a recipe says you must use margarine and I know it has different properties and whatnot, but when given the option, I will always choose butter.

Semi-related thought: My cookbook would probably have a whole chapter – maybe even a section – dedicated to why I think cheese should be its own food group. I’d find a way to include that great quote from Charles de Gaulle, “How can anyone govern a nation that has 246 different kinds of cheese?”


Jenn said...

Bwa ha ha! I hear ya sister! If everyone had enough butter and cheese, there would be no war. maybe because we'd all be to fat to get up and fight, but does that really matter? We'd be fat, happy and peaceful.

Acorn Lane said...

Hey, yeah! So MAYBE it’s not a cookbook. MAYBE is a philosophical treatise on the importance of fatty dairy in a peaceful, global community.