Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Mops (OR what has my life come to?)

My sister and I were recently talking about this tendency we both have toward excessive and illogical frugality. It’s great to get things on sale or to buy a store brand when it’s just as good as the name brand and costs a few cents less. But sometimes I buy something that’s cheaper, just because it’s cheaper. The example du jour is mops.

My whole adult life I have purchased store-brand sponge mops. And I hate them. The sponge itself crumbles into a useless mat of semi-absorbent goo after just one use and it quickly becomes permanently stained with the dirt and grime recovered on its first glorious trip around a floor. And then, like an idiot, I continue to use it – with miserable results – until I get fed up and stupidly buy another (because it’s cheap).

Thankfully, I’ve had a revelation: I’m a grown up and if I want to buy a better mop, I can. And as if God Himself supported this line of thinking when I was in the grocery store yesterday, the $15 mop was ON SALE for $10!!

So now I’m pretty excited to go on a cleaning rampage in my house this weekend. How sad is that? If I were the teenage me reading this, I’d probably off myself immediately rather than face a future in which new mops got me excited.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Don't tell me you've abandoned the Swiffer!! You got me into those! :-)

But my mother, the most amazing cleanstress in the world, hates my Swiffer, and if I cared more about cleaning than I do, I would agree with her: the best way to clean a floor is to get down on your hands and knees with a bucket and a cloth and start scrubbing.

But good luck with your new mop. Have fun cleaning!