Monday, April 2, 2007

Disturbing Commercial Copy

This could easily become a recurring feature here.

Today’s offender: “Midnight snack, brought to you by (some diaper brand).”

This line comes up as a woman is changing a diaper. Wouldn’t common sense dictate that the concepts ‘snack’ and ‘diaper’ just should never appear near each other? I wonder if someone, somewhere along the creative process pointed out how gross this is and was ignored. Or maybe I am just missing something because I am not a mom. Within less than half a second of the offending line, the image changes from the stinky disgusting act of diapering to the woman blowing raspberries on the baby’s belly; maybe the snack is the raspberries? But that really doesn’t make much sense either. Are they selling cannibalism? What’s the snack??? Shades of Soylent Green, no?

As my hip teen friends would say, “Seriously, WTF?!”

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