Saturday, April 21, 2007

Overheard in the BDO

Summertime evening shrieks

(Even though it's not yet summer.)

Today was the first day of wonderful weather we have had in a long time. Temps were in the high 70s and there was a breeze blowing most of the day. Cool in the shade; warm in the sun – weather perfection. Everyone was out and about, smiling back at that big yellow ball in the sky and letting the wind blow off all the inside staleness.

It’s after 8 p.m. now - nearly 9 - and I am listening to the sounds of summer beginning: the shrieks of little kids playing outside after dark. Maybe tag. Maybe hide and seek. Maybe nothing organized – just blissfully un-orchestrated kid fun. Every time I hear a blast of screams and giggles, I glance over at the clock, thinking that’s got to be the last one. But then there it is again.

It’s the sound of days to come. Only a few more weeks of school. Then we can play out late every night. Just don’t leave the edge of the neighbor’s lawn. And listen for mom to call you in for the night. Then pretend you didn’t hear to get a few more minutes of play. Then inside, warm bath, cozy bed, sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

See - in *my* neighborhood, wonderful summer-like weather means lots of open apartment/condo windows, and the evening shrieks I get to hear are NOT of sweet, innocent children... :-)

Envious of those kids running barefoot through the grass chasing lightning bugs - MY memory of New Jersey summers...